Why Engagement is the New Health Care Branding
The ever-quotable Seth Godin says that marketing used to mean advertising. Now marketing means everything. After all, the ways in which consumers learn about and engage with brands transcends traditional advertising. In health care, branding used to mean brand advertising: the big, high ticket campaigns that are designed to elicit positive feelings about health care […]
The Top 8 Metrics That Matter For Busy Health Care Marketers
Return on Investment (ROI) matters when it comes to your social media campaign and digital presence, but how can you narrow down the numbers to measure what matters most? It may look impressive to have a lot of “likes” on your page or website visits, but take a look at what’s happening behind the scenes […]
Rethinking Brand Impact on the Patient Journey [Part 5 of 5]
For years, perhaps even decades, brand level initiatives were the cream of the crop for marketers. For clients, they’re an affirmation of their leadership skills. For agencies, brand development of any kind is the most highly visible, and often the most lucrative of all engagements. And if you’re asked to take it on, it’s usually […]
Transforming Health Care: Believe in Better Project 2019 Recap
For two days in October of 2019, eight health care innovators and change agents converged in Duluth to share with others how they’re making health care better for all. The Believe in Better Project is an event designed to encourage conversation, community, and breakthroughs. Each of the eight diverse speakers shared how they are making […]