Elevating Authentic Healthcare Stories: Best Practices for Harnessing AI
In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, where technological advancements are continually shaping the industry, striking a balance between the human touch and innovative technology is crucial. The synergy between real human stories and AI-driven enhancements can be a powerful force in healthcare brand marketing. In this blog, we will explore the best practices for leveraging AI […]
Health Care Marketing’s Role in the Post-Pandemic Cleanup
Dear Health Care Marketer: we have our work cut out for us. As we’ve been documenting, our health care consumers have changed since the pandemic. Some of that change is good: 36% of baby boomers report they feel confident using new technology—a 10% increase since 2020. As more health consumers use and leverage Smartphones, Smart […]
Why Engagement is the New Health Care Branding
The ever-quotable Seth Godin says that marketing used to mean advertising. Now marketing means everything. After all, the ways in which consumers learn about and engage with brands transcends traditional advertising. In health care, branding used to mean brand advertising: the big, high ticket campaigns that are designed to elicit positive feelings about health care […]
Why Your Patients May Be Leaving Your Brand. (And What To Do About It)
During this COVID time, we’ve also been polling patients around the country about what they want to hear and how often they want to hear from their providers. Overwhelmingly, they’ve told us that they are hungry for content and guidance right now and are looking to their health care providers to provide it. Our newest […]