Defining The Modern Marketing Operating System [Part 1 of 5]

The old way of healthcare marketing is dead. It’s not relevant. It’s not effective. It’s just not working.

If you’ve seen our latest thinking around Patient Journey Mapping, hopefully it struck a chord. For many of you who joined us in our PJM Master Class, “Conversion Point,” you undoubtedly walked away with a better understanding of new methodologies that are leading to specific successes in healthcare marketing.

PJM Workbook Cover

What’s this notion of “new methodologies?” This sounds like the kind of BS you might expect from an agency. After all, we’re great at reinventing ways to say the same thing. We’ve been doing it for you for decades (and we love it).

But this is different.

What I mean by “new methodologies” is, literally, the evolution of the new marketing operating system for patient acquisition, engagement and advocacy. I’m talking about applying journey mapping to create a definable, repeatable process that brings data, transparency, measurement, accountability, human behavior and creativity to bear to achieve a specific goal.

If I were a journalist, I would have already missed the lead in this article. So here’s the hook: If you’re not working within a marketing ecosystem that shines a light on the patient journey, then you’re hanging your career on qualitatively-measured marketing. That is, an approach that limits you to a list of possible solutions—rather than an approach that helps you determine the best possible solution to a particular need consumers have.

There’s no simpler way to say it. If that’s your bag and it’s been working for you, don’t let me dissuade you. I’ve been wrong plenty of times. It’s likely that your C-Suite is OK with it. And the organization loves the creative in the market. So that’s good. Plus, nobody really holds your department too accountable for volume, revenue or other performance goals.

If the concept of the new marketing operating system isn’t for you, you’ll probably be fine with the current way forward.

But in case you’re a little interested, here’s the scoop. This OS works on so many levels, that you simply can’t afford to ignore it. Compared to old methods, it outperforms. It puts you and your marketing at the center of collaboration with physicians, administrators, managers and patients. It allows you to predict outcomes and optimize when the mid-level objectives aren’t being met.

Most importantly—and this is really important—when it works well, it smashes previous expectations. Like, by +100%.

Throughout this series, I’m going to share why Patient Journey Mapping and the new Operating System work so well. But instead of just showing you a kick-ass watch, I’ll share how it’s made. And I’ll be transparent about what I hope you’ll get out of this. I hope you’ll realize that you should be employing this—ASAFP! And I hope that you’ll realize that you may need some help to get it up and running. (That’s where Hailey Sault comes in.) In the meantime, feel free to check out the PJM guide for more definition.

Next, we’ll revisit core elements of PJM, and why it should matter to you. Actually, our perspective on why it should matter to you is rooted in what you and your colleagues from across the country shared with us. Ultimately, PJM and the new OS will provide insight and answers for better marketing performance.

And that, in turn, should help you sleep better at night.

Written by Mike Seyfer

As a Hailey Sault partner/CEO, Mike works with brands transforming health care in America. He leads integrated teams within the agency and industry world, while collaborating on original research, speaking at national conferences and making sure there’s time for those coveted family trips to the mountains.

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